Okay, this is where I instantly make all sorts of enemies and stuff, but I WAS listing interests and stuff, so here's one. I am a huge supporter of Communism or at least strong Socialism. And I know it has large drawbacks, and that it's definately an odd idea for someone who's as tied up individuality as I am. Yes, I'm huge into the arts and I'm huge into expression and all that, but if we are required to have a government (and unfortunately, due to humanity's lack of intelligence and self-control, we are) I believe that Communism is the fairest of systems that doesn't allow for strong discrimination of any person, because all people are just another pair of hands to aid the mother country. If we're all worthless, and we know it, how could we look down on each other? Hate groups and other such pompous elitists would have no reason to believe themselves to be better than anyone else. How could they? The fact that the US follows capitalistic ideals instantly makes the idea of "all men are created equal" an impossibility. Only when men are FORCED to be equal can that actually be so (again, due to man's stupidity and lack of self-control). If people were half as intelligent as dolphins or even ants, we would know that looking down on each other is probably the most self-destructive thing we can do, and that it is holding back progress. Why did Russia always beat us up in the space race? Why does Japan make better... EVERYTHING than we do? Because the governments in both countries have stripped their people of all sense of self-pride and individuality and made them into a uniform force, like a tidal wave that cannot be held back. I know I'm being a total hypocrite, but EVERYONE is a hypocrite, and anyone who says they aren't is lying through their teeth. I wouldn't want to live under communist rule, but nonetheless Communism is the best system of all out there (except that it's easily corrupted). I know, I am not making sense, because all the other views expressed on this page support individuality and have big anti-government undertones, but if we are REQUIRED to have a government, this is the only one that will control the legions of uneducated and moronic people of the world. People are stupid, and need to be controlled. Kind of an odd sentiment, coming from an extreme libertarian, but there it is. Realistically, this race doesn't stand a chance on its own. Don't go thinking I'm collaborating with Cuba for a hostile takeover of the US with my legions of commie followers or anything. I just support Communism as a world government, because we really do need a world government. Once the planet is ready for a world government, I think we need to take a good look at automated Communism. I say automated Communism, because Communism run by humans is much too easy to corrupt and therefore dangerous. But once we get AI up and rolling, a good idea would be to have AI systems running a Socialist goverment, or even a Communistic one.