Contrary to popular belief, it IS possible for one to know how to write HTML code AND have friends at the same time...  This is the page where I prove that...  And so, without further adieu, My Friends...  Oh, and keep in mind that by putting these pics on the net, I'm probably gonna get in big trouble with some of these people, so I'm risking my neck to keep you posted...  Consider that a favor...  You deserve it, babies...  And for all of my friends who aren't on here, it's your own fault...  I don't take many pics, and it's your fault you haven't made sure you were in any of them.  Give me one, and you're on!

Ah, this was Homecoming.  Lots of stories from there...  
Standing:  David, Amy, Reva, Nathan, Lauren, Benny, Rebecca, Jason, Andrea, Me
Sitting:  Erin, Emily

Me, Melissa, and Andrea                                      Becca, Rebecca, Rebecca, and Becki (BAM)

Sarah and Lauren                       Benny and Patrick                                         Reed
(the infamous "Lusty Picture".  Poor Benny.
I'll never let him live this one down)

My Beautiful Amy                Lauren & Ben                          Jenny            

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