By: Doug Doughtie
© 1999 by Doug Doughtie
laughing wild
i see her in the passenger seat
of a ratty old volvo
with a beer in one hand
and a cigarette in the other
laughing wild
her long hair in pigtails
sprouting from the sides of her head
two dirty-blonde foxtails
held by a basic rubber band
laughing wild
her cheeks are smooth
with none of the paint
that clings to some faces
inches thick - to hide
laughing wild
her jawline is straight
her chin is small
with lips thin
and white teeth
and shes smiling
laughing wild
shocks of pink hair
frame her face
small worms of colour
around her head
laughing wild
her eyes are green
a flourescent shade
the kind that shows
the rarest spark of life
gleaming inside
laughing wild
she wears a maroon and green
striped shirt
making her arms look
like venomous snakes
from dr seuss
laughing wild
she wears an olive-green
fishermans vest
the pocket bulging with
a pack of cloves
laughing wild
i cant see much more
the dashboard blocks the view
her feet
clothed in striped pink kneesocks
crammed in bright orange
canvas sneakers
rest on the dash
the only name i can give her is
laughing wild
i search for her
and while i search
she leans her head back
and laughs
she laughs
she's alive
she's free
she tokes the cigarette
and looks at me
shes found me
shes alive
where are you
laughing wild?