I know what you want, what your really, really want!
You wanna see pictures of my sexy self...  Well, then...  Um...  Okay...
Here ya go...  What you do with them is your business...  Ugh...
Note:  These pics are not quite accurate as of today (9/9/98)
because I just got a helluva haircut (I'm sorry, Rach!  It was
something I had to do!)  Anyways, I'll be getting new pics up
soon, so hang tight...

Pics of my new look...  I just got a differet haircut, and I dyed it blonde, and I
look quite a bit different now...  Not sure if I totally like it, but we shall see over
time.  For now, though, here's a crappy snap to tide you over until I get some
decent pics.

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