By:  Doug Doughtie
© 1998 by Doug Doughtie

How can you say that we're
Through with and yet
Next day you come back and
Quickly forget?

Tell me you hate me and
Cause me such pain
Then suddenly kiss me so
Long in the rain?

Back and forth
To and fro
Love and hate
Stop and go
A Pendulum
Pure extremes
Swinging free
Shattered dreams

Give me an answer
I'm tired of waiting
You're too indecisive
Now stop hesitating

I love you, but baby
I cannot keep bending
Each day you attack me
I can't keep defending

I'm sick of this mind game
My ears keep on ringing
How can I let go
When you keep on swinging

Back and forth
To and fro
Love and hate
Stop and go.
Let me know!
Yes or No?
And stop swinging back and forth
Is it worth
What we've paid
To remain unafraid?
We've made
Our name.

And we both have paid.