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This Plano Websites Webring site owned by Doug Doughtie.

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        The Plano Websites Webring is for the webpages of students living in the Plano area.  If you go to a Plano school, then you're in.  I don't censor your site's content, so feel free to say whatever you want.  I do have one restriction and only one restriction.  The Plano Webring HTML code you see above must be placed on your main page.  If it is placed on a seperate "webrings page" then I will remove your site from the ring and your site's traffic will decrease.  It is a simple request, one I feel justified in making.  

Submit Site To Plano Websites Webring

        After you get your registration finished, add your the HTML code for the Plano Websites Webring to your page.  If you don't like the banner shown above (which is what will be sent to you through e-mail once you register), I have a few alternate banners for you to use.  Feel free to use any of these.  


And hey, while you're here, why don't you check out my other great sites?  Both are on the ring, but here are direct links to them anyways...