By: Doug Doughtie
© 1998 by Doug Doughtie
Who am I?
Who is this messed-up shit head?
Who is this manic freak?
How can I know the meaning of life
When I dont even know how to live?
You think you know just what I feel
Sometimes, so do I
But were always wrong, arent we?
Arent we?
I dont get this crazy world
Here everything is too fast, too impersonal
Where is there room for feeling?
And basically thats my curse
When you are one of those twisted individuals
That is made of nothing BUT emotion and feeling
Theres no room for you in this world
Theres no room for me in this world
Im really nothing but a drain on society
Im nothing important that will last
I will die
I should die
Lord knows, Ive certainly tried
And unfortunately
Ive failed time and again
But now Im too confused to even try to die
But that doesnt make me happier
I go to the bathroom
Amid the flowery wallpaper
And the bright blue shower curtain
And watch the crimson blood flow into the swirling waters
How else can I be free?
How else can I escape?
How else can someone who doesnt know
why life is considered to be such a great thing
And how can he find out
When he cant answer a simple question?
Who are you?
Who is he?
Who am I?