The Story of My First Teacher Death Threat
Okay, here's the
thing... In Physics, we were given an assignment to do for homework.
The assignment was to write a letter to the Chamber Of Commerce describing
an unsafe intersection and to suggest a suitable course of action in order
to maximize safety. I (needless to say) procrastinated, and left it
until late that night. So I'm typing my physics homework at about 1
in the morning, and I'm in that giggly phase you go through late at night,
where EVERYTHING is funny, and usually precludes a giant crash. Needless
to say, that mood was reflected in my paper. You have to
read the paper before you'll understand the comments
made. So go ahead, read the paper, or you
just won't get the picture... Okay, I'm going to assume you've
read the paper and I will continue with my story.
I was not at the beginning of class today (Sept. 8), because I was
attending some kind of meeting for those people announced as National Merit
Semifinalists, so I missed the part when she handed out the papers. When
I returned from the meeting and walked through the door to my Physics classroom
to rejoin my class, the entire class laughed and clapped for me. I
got this goofy confused look on my face, like I always do when I'm in the
dark, then Ms. Kolb says "You're a National Merit Semifinalist?" And
I said, "Yeah..." And she says, "Congratulations, you freak...", and
hands me my graded paper. Nothing looked too amiss, for the grade said
20/20 which is equivalent to a 100. I just chalked it up to odd
behavior. Ms. Kolb is kinda psychotic, so I just assumed that
the display from the class was due to her telling them that I was at the
Semifinalist meeting. So, unassumingly, I sit down at my lab group.
It was a group of four guys, two of whom I didn't know. The two
I didn't know started sniggering when I sat down and Anthony (the one I DO
know) said, "pure Genius, man..." I come to find out that while I was
gone, Ms. Kolb had read the class my 1 am paper... If you
read it, you understand how that would make an impact.
So, I look at the paper, not quite sure what I was looking at. Once
I realized that it was the paper I had been so psychotic with, I hesitatingly
looked at the comments Ms. Kolb had written.
"I should probably berate you for making
fun of an assignment. But, unfortunately, this is creative and the
physics IS correct. Please be careful not to stray too far over the
line -- you might get hit by that mack truck labeled `Kolb's need to be
I was amazed... My first death threat from
a teacher.
After class,
I walked up to Ms. Kolb and said "And where, pray tell, do you plan to get
a truck like that?" pointing to the comment she had written. She said,
"Oh, I think I'll have one made, just for you. I'll chase you around
Plano until I finally hit you, and I hear the thump of you under my wheels."
With a sarcastic smile, she walked into her office. I am so proud,
in a morbid kind of way... I'm getting death threats and full credit
both at the same time... Rebellion and fun balanced with good
grades... I think I've truly discovered the happy medium...
That, and it's just hilarious to be able to tell everyone that I'm
getting death threats from teachers and it's only the first few weeks of